The World Has Changed – Evolve Video

[tweetmeme source=”Marcio_saito” only_single=false] When we set to produce a video to help introduce Coffee Bean Technology to the market, our initial idea was to create a 3-minute film talking about Technology and its effects in society. But as we started working with Luciana Eguti and Paulo Muppet from Birdo (an internationally recognized and award-winning video studio inContinue reading “The World Has Changed – Evolve Video”

The Funnel is Still a Valid Model

[tweetmeme source=”Marcio_saito” only_single=false] Shall we put “Social” in front of it? In my quest for a term that had not yet been attached to “Social”, I discovered that Google could find only 7 instances of “Social Marketing Funnel”. Next to about 37 million – and growing by the minute – results for “Social Media”, itContinue reading “The Funnel is Still a Valid Model”

Light Effects – Photography in New York City

[tweetmeme source=”Marcio_saito” only_single=false] A few years ago, I was at Times Square in New York City in a cold winter night and took a few experimental photos of anonymous crowd silhouettes against the city lights. I liked the unexpected result. Then, just last month, I was back in New York for a Social Media conference andContinue reading “Light Effects – Photography in New York City”

My First Book – Or Almost

[tweetmeme source=”Marcio_saito” only_single=false] Since I was a child, I have nurtured the thought of one day writing a book. With the emergence of the digital medium, I worry that books might not be a mainstream method of dissemination of ideas for too long, so there is some sense of urgency in fulfilling my dream. IContinue reading “My First Book – Or Almost”

Enlightenment at DiVerso

[tweetmeme source=”Marcio_saito” only_single=false] DiVerso was a an exhibition of Brazilian contemporary artists organized by the Consulate General of Brazil to celebrate the opening of new premises in San Francisco. It run from Nov/2009 to the first quarter of 2010 and featured works by Aparecida Abdalla, Vera Costa, Sidnea D’Amico, Mauricia Gandara, Silvia Poloto, Regis Silva,Continue reading “Enlightenment at DiVerso”

Streams, Flows and Documents

What makes a communication tool “Social”? [tweetmeme source=”Marcio_saito” only_single=false] In the recent Social Business Edge, a conference in New York discussing Social Business, Stowe Boyd said “In the future, we will be spending less time on pages and more time in flows”.  Let’s explore that idea. When it comes to the medium, the difference between social andContinue reading “Streams, Flows and Documents”

Mom Doesn’t use Twitter

How are Marketers going to deal with the new social divide? [tweetmeme source=”Marcio_saito” only_single=false] There were several “Happy Mother’s Day” notes on my timeline yesterday, but it is very unlikely that the mothers of today’s grown-ups were actually listening that channel. They might have learned to deal with e-mail and paying bills online, but theyContinue reading “Mom Doesn’t use Twitter”

Mine is Bigger Than Yours

Is the Enterprise 2.0 company bigger or smaller than the current ones? [tweetmeme source=”Marcio_saito” only_single=false] As I read the newspapers this morning, I learn that United and Continental are merging to form yet another “largest airline in the world”. Consolidation seems to be rational for an industry that manages to charge the same for aContinue reading “Mine is Bigger Than Yours”